
First World Problems

First World Problems


Thank you Lord for First World Problems.


Thank you for schools with children of many languages

where some have no schools and no place to learn.

Thank you for young people with smartphones glued to their hands

whilst other children have nothing to hold except a gun.


Thank you for arguments in council chambers and party politics

in place of civil war and dictatorships.

Thank you for leaky taps and blocked drains

instead of flood or drought.

Thank you for complaints about parking and cyclists,

dog poo and ice cream wrappers,

for some have no hope except that of heaven.


Thank you for problems with the Post Office,

poor phone signal and slow Internet speeds.

Help us remember those who have no way of sharing their lives with distant family and friends.

Thank you for Minutes of meetings and budgetary restraints, Health and Safety regulations and Council byelaws,

where some have little in their lives save the fear of famine and war.


Open wide our hearts and our hands, Lord

make us ever grateful and always eager to serve you and so answer the prayers of all your children.


Thank you Lord for First World Problems



© Andrew Dotchin 2016

This prayer was written for a meeting of Felixstowe Town Council

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